
I am moving forward. Unbeknownst to me, I wasn’t all here. After the 2017 Tubbs fire in Santa Rosa and loss of house, something was blocking creative thought. I would turn to get a book, a journal, a sweater, or a painting I had made and realize it was missing. I’ve decided that in addition to family and friends, you do build up a nest of little things, breathing life. Also bits of my brain were gone, and I had few ways to recreate that inner life through memory. I had to walk through it, and subconsciously rebuild. Thanks to family and friends’ suggestions I am rebuilding new parts. It helped to: take a camping trip to Olympic National park, a class here and there, a new bassoon staring at me, taking a cross country bicycle ride, and visiting far flung friends (well I am the far flung one). Art now seems to have possibility. I am slowly seeing creative things that spark ideas. I can really hear poetry again and my thoughts go creative. Plus, we went to hear our friend from Santa Rosa, graphic novelist Brian Fies talk last week about his book “A Fire Story.” He is heart-wrenchingly honest about losing a house, a neighborhood. Before, I stodgily believed that we are not here to gather “things.” We have soul, heart and intelligence which is more important. Now I can see more clearly. Here is a painting I made last month when painting at a Tahoe class with Sally Yost, plus a couple more from Olympic NP. Whoosh.